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You have probably heard time and time again, New Year, New You. What does this mean to your employees? More specifically, what does it mean for your employees as they make their financial resolutions for 2017?

The 2017 financial resolution to “spend less and save more” has increased by 17.47%1 from last year. Ironically, the resolution to “live life to the fullest” continues to top this category. These two resolutions quite often work together, and are two on my list. National Life Group truly believes that people must spend less and save more in order live life to the fullest.

Life gets in the way and we develop tunnel vision as it applies to our finances. We tend to focus on immediate financial wants and needs. Planning for the future and long-term monetary goals are often placed on the back burner, the thought being, we have plenty of time for that. It is imperative for your employees to grasp the importance of beginning to contribute to their financial future. Taking care of your future does not eliminate the responsibility to provide for your immediate needs. Effective financial planning earmarks funds for short-term goals as well as long-term goals. As individuals increase their financial IQs, there’s an expectation that economic freedom will increase proportionally.

Don’t let this year just be about your employees working for money. Make this year about your employees’ money working for them. In case you didn’t know, 5% of the New Year has already passed. Time is money. Here are just a few ways to increase your employees financial IQ:

  • Provide Financial Workshops
  • Hand out Retirement Brochures
  • Provide access to one-on-one consultations with a financial professional

Help make 2017 the year that your employees successfully keep at least one resolution.

Contact your National Life Group Relationship Manager today for more information at 866-243-7174.



1, January 1, 2017