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A key concern across all generations is having a retirement savings that will allow them to retire comfortably. This becomes even more important as we live longer. But the idea of getting started or parting with even more savings each month can be daunting.

One of the ways you can help your employees overcome obstacles is to show them how small contributions over time make a big difference.

Materials are available on the Plan Sponsor Resource Center that you can share to help your employees build, grow and protect their retirement savings to be FIT… Financially Independent for Tomorrow.

Click on the image below to view materials.

Financial Fitness for Tomorrow


Teresa Thomas

Teresa Thomas

As a 25-year veteran of the financial services industry, Teresa has worn many hats including corporate communication, product and concept marketing, meeting and convention planning, training and mentoring. It’s true, in her first semester of graduate school, she dropped out of her Secondary Education curriculum – recognizing that teachers have a magnificent gift (that she did not). So, she took her love of teaching in a different direction and thoroughly enjoys the opportunity she has to educate you on not just the importance of retirement savings, but also the many ways in which you can plan now to achieve your retirement success! TC124597(1221)3