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According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2017 there were 3.2 million full-time teachers across America. Recently Time Magazine reported that 1 in 3 Americans have no retirement savings. Even worse, teacher pensions have been under fire for years. If we believe the statistics floating across the news channels, that would mean over one million teachers will be unprepared for retirement.

Like many other financial services companies, the companies of National Life Group can offer you solutions to build your financial knowledge about retirement. Here are steps to consider to help you be financial independent tomorrow (FIT).

get FIT

Financial security in retirement doesn’t just happen. It takes planning and commitment and yes, money. Just like you work out to stay healthy, you can also develop a financial fitness plan.

be FIT

Create new habits daily to be financially fit. Adopt a financial fitness regimen and move closer to your dreams.

  1. Set up a budget that tracks spending and saving
  2. Save move
  3. Protect your future with life insurance

stay FIT

Stay financially fit for life by adding more to your retirement plan so you can experience a financially independent tomorrow.

live FIT

Live well by living a full, purposeful and active life you designed by being financially literate.

  1. Learn—to save more
  2. Instill—good saving habits
  3. Visualize—a secure retirement
  4. Enjoy—living well in retirement

Be a part of those educators who are prepared for retirement. Get energized today. Build your savings to realize a financially independent tomorrow.

